
Friday, May 31, 2013

May is over!

Today is the last day of May and it FLEW by fast!  Lots of things still left to happen for the last week of school next week!  Then the craziness picks up!  Every day something gets added to the family calendar!  We're packed!  I hope that there is SOME time to breathe and SOME time to play together as a FAMILY!  I'm sure there is "life after teenagers" but it's going to be a LONG TIME!  I'm glad that my older girls will be able to have some opportunities to grow on their own and to have experiences together, but it is only the beginning....our family will have to become accustomed to GIRLS CAMPS for a long time!  But I LOVED girls camps and I'm confident that each of my girls will too!

We would love to know if any of you have plans to come to Utah....we'd love to make time for us to see you!  Keep in touch when you can and let us know your plans!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Catch up!

Okay, well, staying current went to pot, but at least I'm trying.  We celebrated Phebe's birthday this month as well.  She was hoping for a bike with training wheels....and she got it!  She even got a new helmet to wear while she's riding.  For those of you who have followed her trials, I'm not sure that even I or her Dad were sure that she'd ever be able to ride a bike or even RUN!  And she's mastering both quite well!  Miracles of tender mercies!

The rest of the month is kind of a blur with many things running together and on top of each other!  It's been a crazy busy month and we are actually looking forward to the summer!  Although, it is already becoming full with many things to do!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend!  We spent it at Bear Lake with my parents and then we returned home to join the "rectangle gang" for the annual breakfast!  As usual, it was YUMMY!  It's always fun to eat and visit with the gang!

Life is busy, but we're definitely trying to keep ahead of the game.  Lots of things coming our way, but excited for it!  Looking for a window of opportunity to take a family vacation and we may be heading to LV....but that's up in the air for now...we still need to contact the relatives and see what works or doesn't work.  Or, maybe we can just drive to AZ instead?  Hmm...tempting, but we'll see!  Was hoping to get to a Temple Open House there, so maybe that's my good excuse to plan for...we'll see!

Life is good...keep us in touch whether via blog, texting, facebook, emails, or other technology, we love hearing from you all!  By the way, this is an old picture here, but it's a picture...I need to get the pictures off my phone - maybe this will help me to remember to do it!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Mallory turned 14 this week!  Wow!  Time flies when we're having fun!  And YES, we are having fun being an eternal family of GIRLS!  Mallory had an extremely busy day on her special day, but we still managed to make it a fun day!  We are looking ahead to another birthday this weekend!  I love having a reason to shower the girls with attention (for one day)....and then it's back to the grindstone!  Life still has to continue on!  It may be crazy at times, but it's always been worth it!

Mallory - you are an AMAZING young woman!  You are doing things so much more than I was at your age!  You are an example to many around you, including your parents and sisters!  You have always done the best you can in life and you continue to do so.  You have a way to reach out to some of the special spirits on this earth - that skill comes naturally to you!  I love that about you!

Mallory - you are one of my best friends!  I know sometimes I have to be a Mom to you, but I love when I can be a friend to you as well!  Life can be a challenge at times, but you get through it!  I love you Mallory!

Mallory - thank you for EVERYTHING you do for your family!  Your sisters look up to you with their eyes and want to be "JUST LIKE MALLORY!"  You are a choice spirit and I'm blessed that you are the oldest and understand the responsibilities that come with being the oldest!  You also know how to be a nurturer!  You are the 2nd mom in the family and that is a quality that will enhance your own experiences in the future as you become a wife and mother (in 50 years!!). 

Mallory....I love matter what!  Once my baby, always my baby!  LOVE, Mom

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A very CRAZY week!

I'm not going to elaborate on my excuse, but those close to me know it has been a week from "(insert your word)" for me!  My life, as I knew it, became to a screeching halt and I was diverted to another course - now, I wish I could say that things are settling down, but really, they are just beginning!  Thank you to my parents for TRUSTING ME and for my family and friends who have rallied around me over the past week and were willing to help whenever possible!  My Dad and I had some good conversation this week and I think my Dad is more supportive of my career choice than he has ever been.  I know my Dad always supported me in my choices, but we've really had the connection this week to know that I was following my Heavenly Father's plan - even though 20+ years ago, I would have never known what was going to happen!  Blessings sometimes takes YEARS to come to light.  Thank you Dad....I love you!
Wish I could be here right now - PEACEFUL and RELAXING!
In good news, Mallory has been elected by her peers to be a SBO (Student Body Officer) for next year!  She's excited!  Her parents were thrilled that they gave her an EARLY birthday present - a cell phone!  She is now able to "TEXT" and "CALL" her mom when she's ready to be picked up from after school events.  Lately she has become a track manager for a special needs student on the school track team!  She's SO good at this!  She accepts people for who they are and loves to be around them!  She's got a good heart!

Gabby is preparing for her summer camps!  Yes, CAMPS!  She's planning to attend 3 different camps this summer!  She earned half the money needed for one camp and is still earning the other half to pay back her mom and dad for "advancing" the rest.  She's a good worker and has done some good jobs to earn some good cash!

Morgan is doing awesome in school!  She's one SMART CHICK!  She knows her stuff and is always learning more than I can remember learning in 3rd grade!

Phebe is getting so funny!  She says the cutest things that make us all laugh!  I'm glad we have her to round out the family for us!  She's looking forward to her birthday week with Mallory and she's hoping for a "training bike with wheels" as she puts it!  We'll see what the birthday girl gets soon enough!

Okay, so back to the crazy week - just include my sweet family in your prayers - that's all I can do for right now!  There have been some tender mercies and moments that will be forever engraved into my heart of experiences of the last week = and I'm sure there will be many more as the days, weeks and months continue.  Thank you in advance for your prayers!